
Smiles on Faces: A Box of Happiness

In Mongolia, one of the coldest places in the world, a seed in the ground has only 100 days to grow. A seed that falls into the soil in June has to complete its development by the end of August, because from September onwards, temperatures drop and the frost starts to make itself felt.

Unfortunately, in this geography where winter is harsh, grain production can only be done in a limited number of days. Therefore, most people here make a living from animal husbandry. As Arif Association, we have provided dry rations and food parcels to the dormitories within the charity organizations that provide services for rural children to access education in Mongolia and to low-income families through Hayır Erdem NGO. Thanks to your help, food shortages of 878 students of 22 student dormitories were met and the faces of 44 families were smiled.

With this aid, we aimed to put a smile on the faces of people in Mongolia despite the cold and harsh conditions of the land.

We thank all benefactors for their support.

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