
The Tay Kazan

The mausoleum of Ahmad Yassawi (k.s.) in Turkestan, South Kazakhstan, was built by Emir Timur between 1396 and 1399. After the construction of the mausoleum was completed, Emir Timur once again showed his love and respect for Ahmad Yassawi (k.s.) by appointing many charitable works and foundations for the mausoleum.

Among the items gifted to the mausoleum byEmir Timur are seven precious lamps called “Candlesticks ”. The large bronze cauldron known as“Tay Kazan ” (Big Kazan) is also one of the historical artifacts preserved until today.

The largest room at the entrance to the tomb is called “Kazanhane ”. Since its construction, this hall was named Kazanhane when Tay Kazan was found here until the last periods.

Tay Kazan was built in1399 in the city of Karnak by Master Abdulaziz b. Master Şerafüddin Tabrizi. Tay Kazan, cast from a mixture ofseven different metals, weighs about 2 tons, 2.4 meters wide, 1.6 meters high, and has a capacity of 3 thousand liters of water.

Embroidery on Tay Kazan

Above the cauldron are three rows of Arabic sülüs and küfi calligraphy. The inscriptions are written in a frame 18 cm high in the first and third rows and 12 cm high in the second row:

A part of the 19th verse of the Tawbah period is written on the upper part of theTay Kazanwith thuluth calligraphy.

(قالالله تبارك و تعالى اجعلتم سقايه الحاج و عمارة المسجد الحرام الاية)

Meal: Do you equate the work of those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and strive hard in the way of Allah (with the work of those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and strive hard in the way of Allah? They are not equal in the sight of Allah. Allah does not bestow guidance on a wrongdoing people).

The following Hadith is written in the continuation of this verse:

(و قال عليه السلام من بنى سقاية فى سبيل الله تعالى بنى الله تعالى له حوضا فى الجنة)

Meaning: If a person builds a well for the sake of Allah, Allah Ta’ala will build a pool for him in Paradise.

It is followed by the following sentence:

امربعمارة هذه السقاية الامير الاعظم مالك رقاب الامم المختص بعناية الملك الرحمن امير تيمور كوركان اخلد الله تعالى ملكه لأجل روضة شيخ الإسلام سلطان المشايخ فى العالم شيخ احمد اليسوى قدس الله روحه العزيز فى سنة العشرين من شوال احدى وثمانمأة

Meaning: The Amir-i Azam, by the grace of Allah, the Most Gracious, ordered to make this sikaya for the pavza of the Sultan of the nations, Amir Timur Kuregan Shaykhulislam, Sultan-ul-Mashayih, Shaykh Ahmad Yassawi (k.s.). 20 Shawwal, 801. (June 25, 1399);

In second place

There are 20 frames between the handles of the cauldron, two of which are inscribed with the name of the master who made the cauldron. In ten frames, the Persian phrase “Mubarak bad ‘, which means ’May it be auspicious ”, is written. One of the “Mubarak bad ” in these ten frames is written upside down, which is not a mistake. It is a methodoften used byIslamic masters of architecture and art. In other words, since perfection in a work of art would mean “competing with Allah and creating a perfect work ‘, the master consciously makes a ’mistake ‘ or an ’incomplete ” somewhere in his work in order to express his helplessness and confess the greatness of Allah. Here, the reversal of the phrase “Blessed bad ‘ should be accepted as the ’expression of incapacity ‘ of the master who made the cauldron.

Third place

The phrase “ela el-mülkü lillah ” is written 22 times in kufic calligraphy.

Why was Tay Kazan built?

Why did Amir Timur order a Kazan to be built for the tombof Ahmad Yassawi (k.s.)? What is the secret of building a Kazan? We can briefly answer such questions as follows: The history of making Kazan for mausoleums dates back to ancient times. In the early Turkic tribes, there was a tradition of placing a cauldron near the tombs of tribal chieftains and soldiers who showed heroism in battles, scholars and prominent people. This auspicious custom continued in later periods. Even now, we can see various cauldrons placed on the graves and mausoleums of many famous people.

The tradition of placing cauldrons on the graves or mausoleums of such famous people is based on the fact that these people were once great figures who ensured the material or spiritual unity of the people and the nation.

In the construction of the Tay Kazan in the tomb of Ahmad Yassawi (k.s.), it was pointed out that Ahmad Yassawi (k.s.) was a great person and that those who came to visit here would benefit from his spirituality.

The other name of these cauldrons is altar or sıylık cauldrons; people used to put their focus and charity in these cauldrons, and these collected charities were given to the needy, madrasah and hanekah dervishes.

In history, the cauldron has been a symbol of unity, goodness and abundance, and therefore important messages were given to visitors by placing cauldrons near the graves and tombs of great figures.

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