Adaq Qurban


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Adak qurban donation refers to the sacrifice that Muslims slaughter to thank Allah or to fulfill a promise they made when a wish came true. Adak Qurban a qurban is an important way of approaching Allah and fulfilling a spiritual responsibility in Islam. The sacrifices you donate are slaughtered in accordance with Islamic conditions through our charity organization and delivered to those in need. Every stage of your qurban is managed transparently and you will be notified by video.

The qurban is an important act of worship in Islam and must be slaughtered after a set period of time or condition has been fulfilled. The offerer determines the time or condition for sacrificing qurban according to his/her own intentions. Islam does not prescribe a specific date range or time frame for qurban qurban; therefore, the time of slaughtering qurban qurban depends on the condition set by the person. The offerer makes a wish to Allah (swt) and undertakes to sacrifice a qurban if this wish is granted. When the wish is granted or the condition is fulfilled, the qurban must be slaughtered immediately. This is important both to fulfill the religious responsibility and to perform the act of worship correctly.


  • Adak Kurbanı Niyetinin Belirgin Olması: Kurban kesimi öncesinde adayan kişinin niyetini net bir şekilde belirtmesi önemlidir. Adak kurbanı, Allah’a adanmış bir ibadet olduğu için niyetin doğru ve açık yapılması gerekir. Niyet, Allah’a olan bağlılığınızı ve adak ibadetinin samimiyetini yansıtmalıdır.

  • Adak Kurbanının Sağlığı ve Kesim Usulü: Adak kurbanı olarak seçilen hayvanın sağlıklı, kusursuz ve İslami açıdan kesime uygun olması gerekmektedir. Kesim sırasında keskin bir bıçak kullanılmalı, hayvanın kanının tamamen akıtılması sağlanmalıdır. Kesim işlemi, İslam kurallarına uygun olarak hızlı ve etkili bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmelidir.

  • Adak Kurbanının Zekât ve Sadaka Kapsamında Olmaması: Adak kurbanı, kişinin niyetine bağlı olarak Allah’a adanmış bir ibadet olduğu için, kesilen hayvanın etinin tamamı sadaka veya zekat yerine geçmemelidir. Etin tamamı, belirlenen yardım alanlarına ulaştırılmalıdır.

  • Adak Kurbanı Kesim Yerinin Temiz ve Hijyenik Olması: Adak kurbanı kesimi, temiz ve hijyenik bir ortamda gerçekleştirilmelidir. Hem sağlık hem de dini açıdan uygunluk için kesim yerine özen gösterilmelidir. Hijyen ve temizlik, kurban ibadetinin kabulü için kritik öneme sahiptir.

  • Adak Kurbanının Paylaşımı: Kurban kesiminden elde edilen et, ihtiyaç sahipleri ile adil bir şekilde paylaşılmalıdır. Bu, ibadetin amacına uygun olarak toplumsal yardımlaşma ve kardeşlik duygusunu pekiştirir.

If the qurban is forgotten and the vow is not fulfilled, the person has not fulfilled the intention of the vow. In this case, the obligation remains and the obligation remains on the person until the qurban is fulfilled. If the person who owes a vow forgets the vow, he must immediately fulfill the intention as soon as he remembers it and complete the obligation with the qurban. As soon as the intention of the vow is remembered, the act of worship should be performed as soon as possible.

The meat of the sacrificial qurban may not be eaten by the person making the vow, his family members such as wife, wife, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, children, and grandchildren. All the meat of the qurban must be distributed to the needy. The meat of the sacrificial sacrifice must be shared with the needy. If a member of the family eats the meat of the sacrificial qurban, they should give charity equal to the amount they ate. This ensures that the worship of qurban qurban is carried out in accordance with the commandments of Islam and that religious responsibilities are fulfilled in full.

Vowing is a form of commitment and religious worship in Islam. It is a decision based on one’s own will and faith. A person may decide to make a vow in order to fulfill a wish or to express gratitude to Allah. Making a vow is a serious commitment and the person is obliged to fulfill this commitment. The person who makes a vow must be meticulous in fulfilling this act of worship and must sacrifice a sacrifice in accordance with the procedures prescribed by Islam.
However, making a vow is not obligatory for everyone. A person can decide to make a vow according to his or her own beliefs and wishes. It is important that the person making the vow understands the seriousness of the act of worship and fulfills the requirements of the vow sacrifice.In conclusion, making a vow is a decision based on one’s own belief and will. In Islam, making a vow is considered a legitimate act of worship, but it is important that the person making this decision takes the commitment seriously.

A qurban is an act of worship that must be slaughtered after a certain period of time or condition is met. When deciding to slaughter a qurban, the offerer sets this period or condition in accordance with his/her intention. Islam does not specify a time frame or date range for the sacrifice, so the time of slaughter depends on the condition.
The person making the vow makes a request to Allah and commits to slaughter the qurban if the request is granted. When the request is granted or the condition is fulfilled, the qurban must be slaughtered immediately. The process of sacrificing a sacrifice ensures the fulfillment of religious obligations and contributes to the correct performance of worship.

1 - Intend The Adak Qurban

How to Intend?

When you intend to offer qurban, you must act with sincerity from the heart and know that your intention is only to gain the pleasure of Allah. In order to express your intention clearly, you should state your intention in a clear statement such as “I offer this qurban for the sake of Allah”.

2 - Send Your Proxy

How to send your proxy?

Our organization acts with the awareness of worship by following each qurban offering with great sensitivity. You will be contacted by our organization and your proxy will be received. Afterwards, your proxy is forwarded to our carefully selected qurban slaughtering team in the field in accordance with Islamic procedures and your offering is processed.

3 - We send your Qurban video to your phone.

We send your Qurban video to your phone.

We will send you the Qurban fullfiled video within 48 hours. Witness the moment of qurban fullfiled by proxy.

4 -Pray for your worship.

Pray for your worship.

After your Qurban worship is carried out with precision and in accordance with Islamic procedures, we deliver the processes related to the slaughter of your Qurban to you as a video. After fulfilling your Qurban worship in this way, you can perform 2 rak'at thanksgiving prayers.

Years of Experience
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