Student Dormitory for Girls to Study
In the desolate steppes of Central Asia, girls who want to get an education strive to achieve their goals, sometimes in the company of an unknown family, sometimes in a makeshift house. Depending on their financial situation, they are forced to continue their education in shanty houses in some places and in an unsafe environment in others.
As Arif Association, we are taking action upon the request of Ov Soyolin Giyalbaa association for help in purchasing Hovd girls’ dormitory and we are protecting our students who are in poor condition in the city and rural areas in order to create shelters and healthy environments for girls of education age in Mongolia. We take measures to ensure that the education of girls coming from rural areas and studying in central areas is not interrupted, and we try to provide them with safer places.
Hovd is a province in western Mongolia with 110,000 inhabitants. Its center, Jargalant district, also known as Hovd city, has 42,000 inhabitants. Of the total population, 10% are Muslim Kazakh Turks. The livelihood of the people is mostly livestock. It is located 1500 km from the capital of the country.
Thanks to the Hovd Girls’ Dormitory affiliated to the Ov Soyolin Giyalbaa association in the province of Hovd in Mongolia, which we contributed to the purchase with your support, our rural girls will be able to go to school comfortably in the center. We have put a smile on the faces of our 40 female students who live in rural areas and face various difficulties in the district center and try to continue their education by staying with families other than their own families. In addition, they also find the opportunity to improve themselves thanks to the opportunities provided by the student dormitory.
Thank you to all our hearts.