Food Donation


Food Waste

Food waste is a global crisis and billions of tons of “food goes to waste every year. To prevent food waste, it is important to avoid food waste by making planned purchases, storing food properly and utilizing leftovers. These steps contribute to both protecting the environment and fighting famine.

Preventing Waste

Preventing waste is the first step in ensuring that food is properly utilized and reaches those in need. However, after preventing waste, donating the surplus food would be a great step to alleviate the problem of hunger in the society. As a matter of fact, in the book Mecelle-i Ahkâm-ı Adliye written by Ahmet Cevdet Pasha;

The rule"It is better to defeat evil than to gain benefit ” is mentioned. In other words, it is better to eliminate an evil before obtaining a benefit. Before donating food, it is important to pay attention to the waste in our homes and on our tables and to raise awareness of those around us, if any, who are wasteful.

Verses and Hadiths Related to Waste

Both in the Holy Qur'an and in the hadiths of our beloved Prophet (sa.v.), very strict warnings are given to Muslims about waste.

As a matter of fact, Allah Almighty says in the 27th verse of Surah Isra;

“For those who squander (their wealth) are the brothers of the devils. And Satan is very ungrateful to his Lord.” (Surat al-Isra, Verse 27)

Again in the 31st verse of Surah A'raf, the importance of not wasting;

“Childrens of Adem! Whenever you enter the mosque, put on good clothes and drink well, but do not waste, for Allah does not love those who waste.” (Surah A'raf, Verse 31).

First We Prevented Waste, Then We Donated Food

As Arif Association, we are committed to preventing food waste. Instead of wasting surplus food, we made food donations with conscious consumption and delivered them to those in need. Thanks to food donations, we both protected our environment and benefited the society.

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